Saturday, June 1, 2013

Work Work WORK!!!!

I wake up early, go to work, stay at work forever!, get a freaking 30min break for lunch, then work some more, usually stay over for like 3 hours, head home which is almost 2 hours away, finally get home, take a shower and get like an hour to relax and play with the kid before I go to bed and do it all over again. Wouldn't be so bad if 1. I had a job that wasn't grueling on my feet and hands, 2. didn't have to drive so far to work and back, 3. didn't have an asshole boss who cut us out of all the overtime we work so hard for and if he didn't treat us all like crap, 4. if I live in my own place where I could be myself and happy. I am looking for places to live and a new job in the area I want to live, but it is hard since I am always at work now. I have spent all day today job searching. I am so poor that I don't know where we can move to. I really want to go to school so I can have a good job. So sick and tired of my parents putting me down and making my life here completely miserable. I just want to leave! They depress me so much and put my hopes for the future down. They are just so negative and are making me feel hopeless for the future. I refuse to give up on my dreams and I don't care if they kick me out but I can't just let them keep putting me down and trying to control my every move. I just want to be free again!

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